Robotics History: Narratives and Networks Oral Histories: Tomas Lozano-Perez

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In this interview, Tomas Lozano-Perez discusses his career in robotics focusing on his work at the AI Lab and IBM. Describing his involvement in robotics projects, such as HANDEY, he comments on the evolution and applications of the field, and its future potential and challenges. Additionally, reflects on the developments at MIT, his goals as director, and advice for young people looking to pursue a career in robotics.

In this interview, Tomas Lozano-Perez discusses his career in robotics focusing on his work at the AI Lab and IBM. Describing his involvement in robotics projects, such as HANDEY, he comments on the evolution and applications of the field, and its future potential and challenges. Additionally, reflects on the developments at MIT, his goals as director, and advice for young people looking to pursue a career in robotics.

