Dronefest: Engaging the Local Community for Impact - Vince Socci - Ignite: Sections Congress 2017

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#IEEE #sections congress #2017 #SC2017 #ICC #Darling Harbour #Sydney #Australia #event #Ignite #brief #Vince Socci #Region 1 #meetings #change #growth #motivation #inspiration #Dronefest #technology #community #engineers #local #partnerships #collaboration

Former Director of IEEE Region 1, Vince Socci, reflects on IEEE meetings and what needed to change - getting engineering fired up! Socci encourages those who are willing to change to see things from the viewer’s perspective. Dronefest is a way to grow community engagement, by getting people interested in technology, creating value and develop local partnerships.

Ignite sessions follow a strict 5-minute presentation format, filmed at the Exhibition Hall during Sections Congress 2017 in Sydney, Australia.

Visit the SC2017 Website: http://sections-congress.ieee.org/

Past Director of IEEE Region 1, Vince Socci, reflects on IEEE meetings and what needed to change - getting engineering fired up! Socci encourages those who are willing to change to see things from the viewer’s perspective. Dronefest is a way to grow community engagement.