How to Publish a Technical Paper with IEEE: Part 4 - Using IEEE Xplore and Other Author Tools

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Part 4 - Using IEEE Xplore and Other Author Tools

This is a video of a live Authorship Workshop titled "How to Publish a Technical Paper with IEEE." The IEEE hosted a series of these workshops across India, China, and Europe. This particular video was taped at the University College London session. The workshop offers advice on everything from how the IEEE publishing process works to basic writing tips and submitting a manuscript. 

The goal of the workshop is to enable engineers, faculty, researchers, authors, and industry professionals to advance technology and their careers by enhancing their ability to get published and share their research with the scholarly community. The recording should be viewed by technology professionals with an interest in learning how to publish with IEEE. 

Topics covered include: 

Benefits of getting published 
How to choose where to publish a paper 
What editors look for in a submission 
Why editors and reviewers reject papers 
Aiding discovery with the right title, abstracts, and keywords 
Paper structure and organization 
Ethics and avoiding misconduct pitfalls 
Authorship tools available from IEEE 

These topics were presented by keynote speaker, Prof. Saifur Rahman, a Fellow of the IEEE, the founding Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, and former chair of the IEEE Publications Board. In his presentation he shared valuable experience as an author in getting published as well as provided insight into the editorial and peer review process at the IEEE.

Part 4 - Using IEEE Xplore and Other Author Tools

This is a video of a live Authorship Workshop titled "How to Publish a Technical Paper with IEEE." The workshop offers advice on everything from how the IEEE publishing process works to basic writing tips and submitting a manuscript.

