Telepresence & How It Is Changing Our Society, January 2022 SCV RAS Chapter Meeting

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#robot #telepresence #ai #RAS #Santa Clara Valley

This video is an overview of the technical aspects of telepresence and discusses services that are appearing as technology in research labs matures, and products move to consumers. Highlighted is the symbiosis between teleoperations and autonomy and AI.

Decades after being first used to control operations in hazardous environments and in space, telerobotics, combined with autonomy, is getting ready to significantly impact our lives in major ways.

In 1980, MIT Professor and AI pioneer, Marvin Minsky’s words predicted a revolutionary change: “Telepresence is not science fiction. We could have a remote-controlled economy by the twenty-first century if we start planning right now”.

While the progression was slower, several recent events, in particular the global pandemic, provided a boost to the ‘tele’ revolution. From tele-health to tele-education and teleoperation in several industrial sectors, we are seeing the appearance of a large number of applications that will irreversibly change how we work and live.

Described in the video are the current activities in preparation for a future IEEE Initiative in Telepresence.

This video is an overview of the technical aspects of telepresence and discusses services that are appearing as technology in research labs matures, and products move to consumers. Highlighted is the symbiosis between teleoperations and autonomy and AI.

Decades after being first used to control operations in hazardous environments and in space, telerobotics...

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