Permissible Uncertainty and Meaningful Human Control | LAWS Workshop @ ICRA 2022

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About the Video:
This talk proposes that we shift debates on LAWS away from questions about whether we should let robots make decisions or perform ethically assessable actions and instead work to articulate what the human agents involved, at different stages of command, need to know in order for them to make responsible and ethical decisions about the deployment of such systems. As human agents rarely have total relevant knowledge of the systems they use, this talk suggests we frame debates around what uncertainty is permissible, for a user, occupying a role, in a physical and socio-political context. This enables us to treat ethical issues around LAWS as continuous with those for other weapon systems and more easily make comparisons between them, and it helps robotics researchers articulate concrete design, explainability, and testing criteria that are sensitive to the complexity of the ethical issues at stake.

About the Speaker:
At the time of this talk, Lisa Miracchi Titus was an Associate Professor of Philosophy with tenure at the University of Pennsylvania, where she is also a General Robotics, Automation, Sensing, and Perception (GRASP) Lab affiliate and a MindCORE affiliate. She works on issues regarding mind and intelligence. What makes intelligent systems different from other kinds of systems? What kinds of explanations of intelligent systems are possible, or most important? What are appropriate conceptions of real-world intelligent capacities like those for agency, knowledge, and rationality? How can conceptual clarity on these issues advance cognitive science and aid in the effective and ethical development and application of AI and robotic systems? Her work draws together diverse literatures in the cognitive sciences, AI, robotics, epistemology, and ethics to systematically address these questions. She is currently writing a monograph tentatively titled More Intelligent Agents: Towards the Next Wave Effective and Ethical Intelligence Research, which develops a systematic approach to intelligence and its explanation, and facilitates the integration of ethical, feminist, and social justice concerns. Additionally, she has a number of active collaborative projects, including work on the ethics of Autonomous Weapons Systems, the impact of the widespread feminization of AI on society, and how to best conceptualize complexity as related to cognition and behavior of biological and artificial systems. She is also passionate about helping to make academia a more welcoming place for all humans, especially those of us from underrepresented groups.

Recorded at the Workshop on Addressing Ethical and Technical Challenges in the Development, Use and Governance of Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems during the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA).

Produced in partnership with the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (

Recording funded in part by a grant from the United Engineering Foundation (


About the Video:
This talk proposes that we shift debates on LAWS away from questions about whether we should let robots make decisions or perform ethically assessable actions and instead work to articulate what the human agents involved, at different stages of command, need to know in order for them to make responsible and ethical decisions about the deployment of such systems. As human agents rarely...

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