Career management: Finding success and lucidity in the corporate

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Speaker: Hajera Nikhat, Program Analyst, Spec, Qualcomm India Pvt Ltd

In a society where men predominantly occupy the top positions in corporates, to work their way up to the top may feel like a dream for quite a few women. What can we do to improve the chances of women climbing the corporate ladder and establishing ourselves as the top leaders in a Organization?
The oration I intend to deliver is not about replicating someone else’s path. It’s not about following someone else’s footsteps but integrating who we are as a person and who we are as a professional into one successful and sane life and how women need to be true to themselves. To be true to ourselves means to rationally and proactively consider our abilities and interests when envisioning our career. Women with long term professional success seek to build careers that complement their interests and abilities. While visualizing the path to a successful career, it's wise to strive for balance and not lose our sanity. However, it's equally important not to wait for the perfect time to make a career move, because there is no such thing as perfect time.

Speaker: Hajera Nikhat, Program Analyst, Spec, Qualcomm India Pvt Ltd

In a society where men predominantly occupy the top positions in corporates, to work their way up to the top may feel like a dream for quite a few women. What can we do to improve the chances of women climbing the corporate ladder and establishing ourselves as the top leaders in a Organization?...

