IMS 2015: Edward Tong - John Tucker Special Tribute - Ultra-wide IF Bandwidth - The Next Frontier for SIS Receivers

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Join us for a Special tribute Session honoring Prof. John R. Tucker at IMS 2015

Presented by Edward Tong

Tucker’s theory of quantum mixing can be extended to model distributed series connected SIS mixers, which offer a lower capacitance and a higher dynamic range. These mixers have wider IF bandwidth than single junction mixer. Coupled with the emerging ultra-wide band technologies, they open a new frontier of ultra-wide band receivers. We report on the development of the wideband SIS receivers for the Submillimeter Array, which are designed with Tuckers theory. Edward Tong of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics at Cambridge gives his thoughts and ideas about the great impact that John Tucker had on the field of radio astronomy at the 2015 International Microwave Symposium in Phoenix Arizona.

Join us for a Special tribute Session honoring Prof. John R. Tucker at IMS 2015

Presented by Edward Tong


