Connect With Your Region Education Coordinator - Pamela Jones - Ignite: Sections Congress 2017

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#IEEE #sections congress #2017 #SC2017 #ICC #Darling Harbour #Sydney #Australia #event #Ignite #brief #Pamela Jones #chair #IEEE Section Education Outreach Committee #resources #content #education #mission #activities #programs #products #services #students #member engagement

Chair of the IEEE Section Education Outreach Committee, Pamela Jones, briefly talks about how to get the latest in education from IEEE. Jones guides the audience on the resources and available content, as well as the mission and activities of the education programming at IEEE. Encouraging interested members to get in touch, Jones outlines the next steps you can take to get involved.

Ignite sessions follow a strict 5-minute presentation format, filmed at the Exhibition Hall during Sections Congress 2017 in Sydney, Australia.

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Chair of the IEEE Section Education Outreach Committee, Pamela Jones, briefly talks about how to get the latest in education from IEEE. Jones guides the audience on the resources and available content, as well as the mission and activities of the education programming at IEEE.