Q&A with Karlheinz Meier: IEEE Rebooting Computing Podcast, Episode 19

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#IEEE #IEEE Rebooting Computing #Rebooting Computing #Physics #Neuromorphic Computing #Technology #Brain #Artificial Intelligence

As a professor of physics at Heidelberg University in Germany and expert in neuromorphic computing, Karlheinz Meier is truly at the forefront of new and emerging technologies. We caught up with Karlheinz after his keynote at the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Rebooting Computing to dive even deeper into his views on neuromorphic computing, the three aspects of the brain he believes are most important, and why those aspects should be used in future computing technologies to make them successful. He also shared why it's important to model future machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies after the human brain. To hear from other industry leaders on what the future of computing holds, register for Rebooting Computing Week 2018 coming to Tysons, VA 5-9 November.

Episode 19: Q&A with Karlheinz Meier, Professor of Physics at Heidelberg University

