Dennis Knight


Dennis has 47 years experience in the design, construction and operation of buildings.  Dennis holds dual registration as a Professional Engineer in Mechanical and Fire Protection Engineering and is a Principal and Founder of Whole Building Systems, LLC located in Charleston, SC.  He has been applying technology to improve quality control and increase productivity in the building industry since he first used 3 dimensional CAD/CAM tools to help design, prefabricate and construct nuclear power plant piping systems in the late 1970s.  He is an ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturer on Integrated Building Design and Building Information Modeling and an active member of the BIM Multidisciplinary Task Group and Standard Project committee 224P - The Application of BIM.  Dennis is a co-author of the National Institute of Building Sciences National BIM Guide For Owners (NBGO) and he is the Chair of the US Technical Advisory Group (TAG) for ISO Technical Committee 59, Subcommittee 13 which is responsible for the development ISO BIM Standards 19650 Parts 1 through 5 that are being used throughout most of the world outside the US as a framework for applying BIM to the design, construction and operation of the built environment.


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