Maunendra Desarkar
Dr. Maunendra is an Associate Professor at the Computer Science and Engineering Department at IIT Hyderabad, India. Currently, he is also serving as the Head of the Department of the AI Department at IIT Hyderabad. He received his MTech degree in Computer Science in Engineering in 2006 from IIT Kanpur and PhD in 2014 from IIT Kharagpur. In the past, he has also worked for Sybase India Private Limited and Samsung Research Institute Bangalore. His research interests are in the areas of application of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in the domains of Natural Language Processing, Information Retrieval, Recommendation Systems, etc. He has publications at reputed venues like ACL, NAACL, CIKM, ACM RecSys, ACM UMAP, IEEE ASONAM, IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems etc. He also serves as reviewer/program committee member for several conferences and journals like Neurocomputing, IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Social Network Analysis and Mining etc. More details about his current research, publications etc. can be found at