Patrick Yue

Prof. C. Patrick Yue is currently a Professor in Electronic and Computer Engineering and has served as the Associate Provost for Knowledge Transfer (AP-KT) at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). His research interest include high-speed optical communication and millimeter-wave broadband integrated circuit design, visible light communication SoC design,  RF and millimeter-wave CMOS transistor and passive component modeling, and energy-efficient interface circuits for photonic sensors. 
Based on his PhD work at Stanford University, in 1998, he co-founded Atheros Communications. He applied his expertise in CMOS RF transistor and passive component modeling to enable the deployment of the world's first 802.11a 5-GHz CMOS RF transceiver. After four years at Atheros, in 2002, he joined anther Silicon Valley startup Aeluros to develop 10-Gbps CMOS serdes IC products for the optical-to-electrical modules based on the XAUI interface. His main focus at Aeluros was on signal integrity issues at the chip, package and PCB interface. During 2001-2003, Dr. Yue was a Consulting Assistant Professor in Stanford’s Electrical Engineering Department conducting research work in CMOS high-speed and RF IC design. In 2003, after five years of industry experience, Dr. Yue decided to return to academia full-time by joining Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA. He taught at CMU until 2006 as an Assistant Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering. In 2006, Prof. Yue and his family moved back to CA and started teaching at UCSB as an Associate Professor. He was promoted to full Professor in 2010. Prof. Yue remains passionate about technology entrepreneurship and is an active advisor to a number of IC startups based in the US and mainland China.

Yue has contributed to more than 110 peer-reviewed technical papers and two book chapters. He currently holds 13 US patents of which most are employed in IC products. He has earned the distinction of being a co-recipient of an International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC) Best Student Paper Award and being the author of one of the all-time most cited paper in IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (Google citation index over 1200). He has served on the organizing and technical committee of a number of international conferences including IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits, IEEE European Solid-State Circuits Conference, IEEE International Wireless Symposium, IEEE RFIC Symposium, IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference and International Symposium on VLSI Design, Automation and Test. He has been an Editor of the IEEE Electron Device Letters since 2011. He is a Fellow of IEEE and an Elected AdCom Member of the IEEE Solid-State Circuit Society.
