Rachel Leong


Rachel Leong is a fourth-year student majoring in Electrical Engineering at Stony Brook University with a specialization in Power and Energy Systems. Hailing from Brooklyn, New York, she developed a fascination with several STEM fields and a curiosity for engineering watching her father build, repair, and tinker at home. She was inspired to pursue electrical engineering because it offered a challenging combination of math, physics, and programming. She has previously interned at a non-profit company, a power transmission company, and an electrical contracting company. On campus, she serves as the President of the IEEE Stony Brook University Student Branch, actively leading a team of fourteen to plan a variety of professional, technical, academic, and social events. She is also a Lead Peer Mentor for the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences Peer Mentoring Program where she helps first-year students develop and transition from high school to college. She is also a member of the Honors College and was previously the Event Coordinator of the Society of Women Engineers at Stony Brook University. She is enthusiastic about providing opportunities for others, particularly other women, to pursue engineering and enjoys teaching others. She is excited to help plan more outreach events and compete at more IEEE Micromouse Competitions with the IEEE Stony Brook University Student Branch.


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