Chandigarh Sub Section Congress : TensorFlow.js Machine Learning

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#Machine Learning #Technology #TensorFlow.js #Tensorflow #Google Employee #Advancement in Technology #Javascript #Concepts of TensorFlow.js #Future of Machine Learning #Opportunities in Machine Learning #

Combining the best of the web with the power of machine learning, Mr. Jason Mayes, the speaker explains Tensorflow.js and how machine learning works.

Cognizing the best of the web with the power of machine learning, IEEE Delhi Section aimed to embolden everyone via the webinar on MACHINE LEARNING WITH TensorFlow JS on 7th June 2020.

The speaker of this webinar was Mr. Jason Mayes, an embodiment of a highly inventive technologist with the intuitive talent of a creative director, he is a Senior Developer Advocate / Web Engineer / Creative Technologist at Google.

With the experience of more than 17 years under the belt, Mr. Jason is the frontrunner of the Tensorflow.js and inspires the confidence in people to develop, innovate, and come up with promising prototypes.

He has sponsored, organized, and mentored hackathons at multifarious levels. With his expertise, the students were able to get a fresh look at how Machine Learning Works in TensorFlow.

Combining the best of the web with the power of machine learning, Mr. Jason Mayes, the speaker explains Tensorflow.js and how machine learning works.

