IEEE Humanitarian Activities and Sustainable Development

The IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee (HAC) provides a suite of resources that inspire and enable IEEE volunteers around the world to carry out and support sustainable development and humanitarian technology activities at the local level. HAC focuses on raising awareness, providing training, supporting and evaluating projects, and cultivating relationships within the global sustainable development community.

IEEE Special Interest Group on Humanitarian Activities (SIGHT) is a popular feet-on-the-ground initiative operating within HAC. SIGHT’s global network of individuals, a majority of them either university students or young professionals, partner with underserved communities and local organizations to implement group projects that utilize technology to tackle key challenges the community is facing. For more information, and how to get involved, visit the SIGHT website.


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2021 IEEE HAC Global Summit [11 Videos] [11 Videos]

The HAC Global Summit served as a platform to bring together IEEE Members, leaders from a variety of IEEE entities, and representatives from external partners in the sustainable development space to exhibit the breadth and width of HAC engagement, showcase grassroots HAC/SIGHT projects, and and contribute to the global discussion on the application of humanitarian technology to address local challenges.
